
[PC Game] Comanche [Simulation/1992, 1993]

올리브바람 2009. 4. 10. 20:59

Comanche : Maximum Overkill

Comanche: Maximum Overkill is the first helicopter simulator to showcase NovaLogic's Voxel engine, which renders organic and lifelike terrain and realistic looking objects that no other game using polygons could match. It features the Army's experimental RAH-66 Comanche light attack helicopter (LHX).

The game features a simple flight model and allows the player's helicopter to take much more damage than it could in reality. Additionally, weapons on the Comanche feature deadly accuracy and power.

There are over 20 scripted campaign missions, similar to all other NovaLogic simulations.

Game Information:

Comanche Mission Disk 1 : Global Challenge

The first add-on to the original Comanche. It adds three new campaigns with 10 missions each, some of which are significantly harder than those in the original game. Also added are new terrain types including arctic and desert and new enemies: The Mi-24 Hind helicopter, the BRDM-3 APC and the Scud-B missile launcher.

Game Information:

Comanche Mission Disk 2 : Over the Edge

The second mission disk for the original Comanche adds 4 more campaigns with 10 missions each. There are also new terrain types and new enemies: the 500MD Defender Helicopter, the OSA-II missile boat and the Lebed air-cushioned landing craft. The graphics engine has been refined and now supports reflective water and weather effects like snow and haze. Also new are several options to make the controls more realistic and less arcade-like.

Game Information:

Comanche CD

Compilation of the voxel-based simulation of the Helicopter RAH-66. It contains the following games:

Comanche: Maximum Overkill
Comanche Mission Disk 1 : Global Challenge
Comanche Mission Disk 2 : Over the Edge

In addition, the compilation offers also 10 bonus missions.

Game Information:

Copy Protection:

CD-ROM Version : CD-Check

Installation Notes:




Download Links:

CD-ROM Version

Floppy Disk Version
