동방불패 (東方不敗) ( a.k.a. 소오강호 (笑傲江湖) 한글판 )

무술에 천부적인 재능을 가지고 있는 화산파의 수제자 영호충은 사부인 악불군을 대신해 강호 인사 유정풍의 퇴임식에 참석하기 위해 길을 떠난다. 그러던 중 자객의 공격을 받아 죽어가는 금위무사 임진남을 만나게 되고, 이 만남을 계기로 피비린내 나는 음모의 소용돌이 속으로 빠져 들게 된다.

국내에서도 큰 인기를 끌었던 서극 감독의 무협 영화 '소오강호 (笑傲江湖)' 를 게임화한 것으로 화려하고 역동적인 애니메이션이 매우 인상적인 작품. 게임의 길이가 짧은 탓인지 난이도가 상당히 높은 편이다.

개발 초기에 2 편도 기획되어 있었지만, 유통사의 사정으로 개발이 취소 되었다. 본래 이 게임의 제목은 '소오강호 (笑傲江湖)' 이며, 한글화되어 출시되는 과정에서 '동방불패 (東方不敗)' 로 수정되었다.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:

Manual Protection. So, 'Swordsman.1.Korean.zip' contains the deprotected files.
(Original File: SM.EX_ / Added File: FACE.IDX)

Installation Notes:




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Posted by 올리브바람

Jordan vs Bird : One on One

Two of the greatest icons on the Golden Age of the NBA match up in this game. In one side, the spectacular dunks of Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls, on the other, Larry Bird's incredible accuracy from the outside.

While Bird feels right home at the three-point contest, where five racks with five balls each are placed around the three-point arc and the player must pick each ball and throw in the the best timing possible to get as many points as possible during the 60 second window, only Jordan has the air-time to perform on the slam dunk contest, where the player has a number of dunks at his disposal, each requiring different timing to get the best score from all three attempts from the judges, and win the competition.

While they are two completely different players, they can still go one-on-one on a half-court match, played to points or with a time duration. Can Bird's stealing and outside shooting ability be a match to Jordan's speed and jumping abilities?

Game Information:


Copy Protection:

Manual Protection. So, 'Jordan.vs.Bird.One.on.One.zip' contains the deprotected file.
(Original File: 1ON1SUB.REM)

Installation Notes:




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Posted by 올리브바람

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

CRW Metal Jacket ( a.k.a. Counter Rebellion War Metal Jacket )

2137 년, 국방부는 정보국 내에 새로이 특무 4 과라 불리는 특수 기동 부대를 설립한다. 공식적으로 특무 4 과는 정보국 내의 한 부서에 불과 했지만, 실제로는 대통령 직속의 독립된 부서였다. 각 분야에서 특별히 선출된 전문가들로 구성된 이들의 기본적인 임무는 테러 방지. 하지만 필요할 경우 위험 인물 암살과 같은 비공식적인 임무에 투입되기도 한다. 당신은 이러한 특무 4 과 요원들을 효율적으로 관리하여 주어지는 임무들을 수행해야 한다.

게임 진행은 실시간으로 이루어지는데, 적으로부터 공격을 받은 후 다음 공격이 있을 때까지 이런 저런 작전을 세울만한 여유가 거의 없기 때문에, 이동하기 전에 계획부터 짜는 것이 좋다. 수색 능력을 가지고 있는 유니트를 이용해 사전에 적의 위치를 파악한 후, 저격 능력을 가지고 있는 유니트로 공격하는 것이 기본적인 전술. 지휘 타입의 유니트는 전진 배치하지 않는 것이 좋으며, 나머지 유니트로 이들을 엄호하면 된다.

본래 이 게임은 PC-9801 용으로 처음 등장했고, 국내에 출시된 MS-DOS 버전은 중국어판을 기반으로 한글화 되었다. Windows 95 용으로 개발된 2 편도 한글화되어 출시 되었지만, Black Magic 한글판은 유통사 (KCT) 의 사정으로 인해 출시가 취소 되었다.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:

Key Folder and Manual Protection. So, 'CRW.Metal.Jacket.1.Korean.zip' contains the certification key file. (KEY.00)

Installation Notes:



You must decompress 'CRW.Metal.Jacket.1.Korean.zip' in C:\CRW.

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Posted by 올리브바람

Avoid the Noid

Avoid the Noid is an advertisement ploy for Domino's Pizza. You are a pizza delivery boy who must deliver a pizza to Doom Industries while the creature Noid is set to prevent him from acheiving this goal. You must deliver the pizza to the top floor in 30 minutes or less, or the customer will get a discount and you will lose your job.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:


Installation Notes:



v1.1 supports EGA and AdLib.

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Posted by 올리브바람

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

Fire and Ice ( a.k.a. Coyote in Fire and Ice )

The background story of Fire & Ice is quick to tell: A coyote (you) runs, throwing ice cubes, through various worlds. In the levels you must jump on platforms and kill your enemies. The enemies (for example, birds and penguins) can be shot with your ice cubes; they become frozen, so you smash them. Sometimes they leave part of a key behind after they're destroyed. The complete key, assembled from all the pieces, opens the door to the next world.

In this "jump & run" you can also get some power-ups. You can find some coyote puppies; these puppies follow you, are invulnerable, and also shoot enemies. In higher regions you find some snow-flakes; enough of these and you get a great snowball for freezing more enemies on the screen.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:

Manual Protection. So, 'Fire.and.Ice.zip' contains TSR loader, 'FIRE.COM'. (Original File: FIRE.EXE)

* TSR : Terminate and Stay Resident.

Installation Notes:




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Posted by 올리브바람

Street Fighter 2

The original Street Fighter II is a famous fighting game. Players select from one of eight characters: Ryu, Ken, Blanka, E. Honda, Zangief, Chun Li, Guile and Dhalsim to do battle with. They must then use their combat strengths to defeat the other seven fighters followed by four boss characters: M. Bison, Vega, Sagat and Balrog. Each character represents a certain country and has their own reasons for wanting to win against the others.

Each character contains his own selection of basic fighting techniques based on three styles of punches and three styles of kicks. The effect of each of these changes depending on the characters orientation (ducking, airborne or standing still). Street Fighter 2 made famous the "button combination" style of gameplay used to unleash powerful moves specific to each character. These include the ability to project fireballs, channel electricity or capture the opponent in a tight suplex.

Street Fighter 2 is one of the most cloned fighting games and its effects on gameplay and fighting games specifically can not be understated. Street Fighter 2 is responsible for making popular several different elements.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:

Manual Protection. So, 'Street.Fighter.2.zip' contains the deprotected SF2.EXE. (Original File: SF2.REM)

Installation Notes:




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Posted by 올리브바람

Street Fighter 1

You are Ryu, a Street Fighter. Your goal is to travel to 5 countries (Japan, USA, England, China and Thailand) and beat 2 enemies at each of them. Many of these characters, such as Adon, Gen, and Birdie, are later seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series.

After each country you will have the chance to get additional points in a little bonus round, a feature seen later in most Street Fighter games.

The final boss in the game is Sagat, who is the second to the last boss in Street Fighter 2. The goal is to become the greatest fighter in the world. As with most tournament fighting games once you have defeated the boss the game will reset and start from the beginning with a harder difficulty level.

It is possible to start a two player game but there will be only one fight (between the two players) which will determine who will travel the globe to fight the computer controlled opponents.

Game Information:


Copy Protection:


Installation Notes:




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Posted by 올리브바람